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Clever Ways To Make More Money With Your Music

- September 26, 2018

As a professional musician, you know how difficult it can be to make money from your live shows. Many venues are stingy with what they’ll pay artists. And if ticket sales are light, you might not make anything at all! So what can you do to make more money doing music?

Well, what if we told you that there are other ways you can earn money performing your music live? That there are alternative types of gigs out there which can easily supplement your main shows?

Today we’ll take a look at clever ways to make more money with your music.

4 Different Types Of Gigs That Pay Good Money

#1: Corporate events and private parties

The first type of gig on this list is the most lucrative: corporate events and private parties. No party is complete without music, and what’s better than exclusive, live music?! A live band brings a whole new dynamic to the atmosphere, setting the tone for the entire event or party.

More often than not, businesses and party hosts have deep pockets and are willing to pay you a premium to perform. This is completely fair, as you are, in essence, offering them a premium service.

A particular advantage of gigs like this (along with most of the others on this list) is that you don’t have to worry about promotion. There is a built-in audience, so you can just show up and play! In fact, performing at an event or party can increase your exposure since many new people will hear your music that might not hear it otherwise.

Corporate event and private party gigs can be hard to find sometimes. But with diligent networking, the opportunities definitely present themselves. You can also try using websites and services like GigMasters, which many bands have had success with.

#2: Weddings

Like the first type of gig on this list, weddings are also very lucrative and there is always demand for live music. Wedding gigs can be broken down into two different types: music for the ceremony and music for the reception.

Of course, only certain types of bands will be able to play for a wedding ceremony. (You won’t find any work here if you’re a heavy metal band – at least not at a traditional wedding!) However, wedding receptions offer possibilities for a lot of different types of music, especially if its good music for dancing.

Weddings are like event and party gigs in that you can find them through networking, advertising, and online booking services.

#3: Concert series and festivals

Almost every band dreams of performing at a big festival, but what many don’t realize is that there are smaller, local festivals and concert series that are much easier to get into. Many communities host summer concert series and are always looking for good entertainment to fill their schedule.

Similarly, many public events like charity races or barbecues want live music and are willing to hire a good band to perform.

These gigs are great because you usually get paid a flat fee regardless of attendance and the organizers take care of most of the promotion. You also get a lot of exposure to a crowd that might not otherwise be familiar with your music.

To find these gigs, just do some online searching for concert series or local events in your area. Once you identify one that might be a good fit for your band, contact the coordinator and see if they’d be willing to hire you to perform. Even if they’re already booked up, chances are they’d be willing to consider you for the next time around.

#4: House concerts

Finally, we look at a more niche type of alternative gig: house concerts. These gigs are great because they bring your music directly into the homes of your fans and give you a chance to share it in a very intimate space.

House concerts have many advantages. First off, they eliminate the middle-man of a venue, so usually, all earnings from tickets sales or tips go directly to you as the artist.

Second, most house concerts hosts provide touring bands with a free place to stay, as well as dinner before they perform.

If you already have established connections with your fans through email or social media, you can easily reach out to them to see if any would be willing to host a house concert. You can also search online for people who regularly host house concerts. Then contact them to see if they would be interested in hosting your band.


All-in-all, we hope you gained a little new insight into the possibilities for alternative gigs for your band. With this knowledge and a little bit of dedication, you will be able to make more money with your music in no time at all!