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Vintage Logos
Custom Drum Heads, Stage Graphics & Band Merch
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Promote Your Band on Vintage Logos’ Social Media

- September 12, 2018

Hey there, Vintage Logos customers! Would you like a free and easy way to promote your band?

We’re looking for more footage of our products in action and we’re hoping you’ll help us out. Simply share photos and videos of you using our gear on stage and get attention from everyone that follows our social media!

What’s in it for you? Well, our Instagram has over 1,000 followers, while our Facebook has over 20,000 likes! That’s a huge number of potential new fans for you!

In addition, this is an opportunity to get the attention of other bands and musicians from all around the world. You can open the door to all sorts of new collaboration possibilities!

Here’s how it works:

  • Start by grabbing a photo or video of you using one of our products, whether that be a custom bass drum head, an amp grill cover, or anything in between
  • Then just upload it to social media, either by posting it directly to our Facebook page, or tagging our Instagram handle
  • Make sure to link back to your band or artist account so everyone can follow you too

We’re also interested in seeing photos and videos of people setting up and installing our products. If you have anything along those lines, we’d love to see it too!

We hope you’ll take advantage of this unique opportunity to promote yourself while helping us out too. Promote your band and start sharing those photos and videos today!